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ACPN Launches Annual Sponsorship Program

The program will allow companies to show their support of the ACPN community and the educational advancement of content professionals across the industry.

The Automotive Content Professionals Network (ACPN), a community of the Auto Care Association, announced the launch of its first-ever annual sponsorship program.

The annual sponsorship program will allow companies to show their support of the ACPN community and the educational advancement of content professionals across the industry, as well as provide year-round promotion of their companies to thousands of content professionals.Sponsorship dollars are directly used to support ACPN’s mission to “Educate, Inspire and Connect” industry professionals who specialize in the management of product-related content. This includes but is not limited to ACPN programs such as:ACPN Pipeline On-Demand Media Content

Annual Knowledge Exchange Conference

Content Excellence Awards

ACP Designation

ACPN Scholarship

The annual sponsorship program offers five tiers of engagement: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Gold. Sponsorship benefits within these tiers can range from logo recognition on theACPN webpage to recognition at the ACPN Chair’s Dinner and Entertainment Event Sponsor at the annual Auto Care Connect Week event.The ACPN sponsorship program is available only to Auto Care Association member companies. For more information and to purchase, please visit ACPN’s sponsorship webpage.

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