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最近参展: 2024宁波国际汽车零部件及售后市场展览会
展位号: H8-350
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瑞安勤力德汽车零部件有限公司位于瑞安市,瑞安是国内外知名的汽摩配件生产基地,面朝东海,西临104国道,北邻温州机场和金温铁路,水、陆、空交通十分便利。 瑞安勤力德汽车零部件有限公司是一家生产销售的专业厂家,专业生产各种型号的制动总泵、制动分泵、离合器总泵、离合器分泵、活塞等产品。产品畅销全国20多个地区并出口到欧洲、中南美、日本、韩国及东南亚,赢得了各地经销商和用户的信赖。 专业品质,专业成就产品,公司始终坚信“以质量为本,精益求精”。公司拥有多种国内外先进的分析、检测、制造和检测设备,满足了对优质产品的需求,形成了规模生产力。所有产品在设计、开发、制造过程中严格按照质量体系要求进行持续有效的处理,能够给客户质量保证。 我们深信:今天的质量,就是明天的市场。客户满意是我们最大的愿望。我们将继续贯彻“一切为了客户”的理念,不断提高产品质量和服务质量,竭诚为广大客户提供优质的产品和满意的服务。同时,我们真诚欢迎广大客户莅临指导,建立友好互利、长期的合作关系。Ruian Qinlid Auto Parts Co., Ltd. is located in the town of Ruian Dadianxia industrial zone. Ruian is well-known domestic and foreign automobile and motorcycle parts production base, facing the East China Sea, west of State Road 104, north of Wenzhou Airport and Jinhua-Wenzhou Railway, water, land and air transportation is very convenient. Ruian Qinlid Auto Parts Co., Ltd. is a production and sales of professional manufacturer, specializing in the production of various models of the brake master cylinder, brake wheel cylinders, clutch master cylinder, clutch slave cylinder, piston, and other products. Products sold over 20 regions of the country and exported to Europe, Central and South America, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia, won the trust of dealers and users. Professional quality, professional achievements of products, the company has always firmly believed that "quality-oriented, the better." The company has a variety of domestic and imported advanced analysis, testing, manufacturing and testing equipment to meet the demand for quality products, the formation of scale productivity. All products in the design, development, manufacturing process in strict accordance with the quality system requirements for sustained and effective manner, can give customers quality assurance.
主营产品: 汽车部件与组件 ,底盘系统
经营模式: 制造商
主要市场: 国内 ,亚洲 ,欧洲 ,北美洲 ,南美洲 ,非洲
公司地址: 瑞安市汀田镇联中路89号